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Mike McCarthy says he hasn’t seen a drop off in Ezekiel Elliott’s abilities as a running back

Related Topics: Mike McCarthy, Ezekiel Elliott

It has been a minute now since the Dallas Cowboys brought back Ezekiel Elliott, but given the lead-up to it happening it has felt real for much longer than that. Elliott’s history with the team makes it feel even less strange than normal. Zeke has been in the NFL for nine seasons and has spent all of them save for his most recent with America’s Team. Just because he was elsewhere in 2023 did not establish a night and day difference so his return is a rather normal thing.

That being said the ‘How We Got Here’ of Elliott’s return to Dallas is a bit notable given that the Cowboys chose not to participate in the early parts of free agency at the running back position and (whether by design or coincidence) left the 2024 NFL Draft without a new one in tow.